Step 2 Topics
Activity of pieces Double attack: queen (1) Double attack: queen (2) The pin Eliminating the defence The 3 golden rules Mate in two Double attack: knight Mating with the rook Double attack: RBQK Discovered attack Defending against mate Short notation Mate Pawn endings The opening Defending Route planner Working out mate Stalemate Winning material Playing rules Step 3 Topics
Completing the opening Discovered and double check Attack on a pinned piece Mate through access The square of the pawn Eliminating the defence Defending against a double attack Mini plan Draw X-ray The opening Defending against a pin Mobility Key squares (1) Pinned pieces Threats Key squares (2) The X-ray effect Pinned pieces The rook pawn The intermediate move Vulnerability in the opening Mini plans Mate Elimination of the defence Under-promotion Development Pinning Defend against mate The square of the pawn The discovered attack |
Step 4 Topics
Opening advantage Interfering Luring Blocking Thinking ahead Placing the front and back piece The passed pawn Eliminating the defence The magnet Weak pawns Material advantage Chasing and aiming Attack on the king Seventh rank Endgame strategy Clearing Queen against pawn Attacking the king Vulnerability in the opening Interfering Blocking Draws Trapping Mini-plans Pawn endings Discovered attack Endgame technique Chess problems Step 5 Topics
Material and time Mate Breakthrough Using pawns Pawn race Seventh rank Discovered attack Pin The opening Rook against pawn Strong square Defending Rook endings Attack on the king Open file Draw Activity Pawn endings King in the middle The wrong bishop Vulnerability Queen endings Defending Eternal pins Bishop against pawn(s) Zugzwang |